Sketches in Thyme are having a DT call.:
The 6 month term for our talented Mavens is drawing to a close, and while some will be staying on, we are looking for new members to join our Sketches in Thyme design team! If you enjoy creating layouts from sketches, partipating in blogs and motivating others to take part in fantastic challenges, this might be your chance to be a part of our fantastic Design Team! Your term would run November-April, and you would be asked to complete 2 layouts per month. If you would like a chance to be considered, here's what you need to do:
1-Create a new layout based on our sketch below.
2-Post about our DT call on your blog, along with your take on our sketch.
3-Leave a comment here telling us that you would like to be considered for the DT, along with a link to your blog post!
And my example:
So, who is going to give it a go? I am :)
Deb xox