Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 198

is up at Nuts about Sketches.  Pop on over and check out the DT creations for some inspiration for this great sketch:

Isnt that pic of Miss K just the bees knees?  Thanks Lone for allowing me to use your pics *mwah*

There is still time - just - to put your submission in for the Nuts about Sketches DT call.  Read all about it here.  Shawn's sketches are awesome and a lot are 2-pagers, so if you are at all interested, you need to hurry.

Thanks for stopping by
Deb ♥

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo Deb - she looks very ethereal! (Have I spelt that right?!) Love all your pretty blossoms on the page


Thank you so much for dropping by today and leaving me a comment. I do so appreciate it very much. Deb xx